Tools Used in IT Industry!!

Disturbed Rover
2 min readSep 25, 2020

There are some tools which you are currently using or you are going to use in the future, why not I give a glimpse of the future that which type of tools you used… It’s interesting right

Note — I will not cover the company’s own property or the company builds for its own purpose.

Let’s begin, now in any industry, there are 5 types of tools are used, the types I am going to tell you is irrespective which type of industry is, service or product, there is just one thing the industry should be IT Industry.

Now there are 5 division of tools:-

IDE and Editors for developers:-

Now for a developer, you need a platform that will help you to write code and efficient in every aspect to coding, now don’t get the wrong idea IDE’s and editors are different things. Ide full form is the Integrated Development Environment as the name suggest it provide you an environment to build your code, it provides you all the necessary third party application which you can plugin and starts working. IDE enhances coder productivity by providing different facilities into a single environment like editing source code, building executable source code files, debugging.

Whereas If I put simply a text editor is designed to edit text, now that text can be an HTML file, XML file, ANT file, and different types of files that you use. Typically they are used for writing programs or they are efficient for programming language.

Examples:- For IDE — Eclipse for JAVA, Visual studio for dot net and other Microsoft languages, RubyMine for Ruby, and Xcode for Apple.

Examples:- For TextEditor — Sublime Text, Notepad++ etc..

Designer Tools:-

Now as the name suggests the designer tools give you the upper, read more here

